
I forever listen to and read all I can that is positive, uplifting and that creates good vibrations in my being. I’ve been remiss in getting my goals on paper and in creating my annual collage. Believe it or not, even living in paradise I can feel unfulfilled unless I am clear on what I’m going after. So I’ve spent time today getting prepared for the collage and it turned into this blog in the hopes that it might inspire others. I just listened to this, listen here. I stumbled upon what looked like something I’d be interested in and then found out it was John Kehoe who I happened to study under years ago; his first book Mind Power, changed my way of thinking and inspired my success in life. John happened to be in the first screenwriting course I took, I was in awe to meet him. His film concept by the way was hilarious!! He’s a super guy and even before I met him, only by reading his books, I made big changes in my life.

I typed up some of his notions:

To get more of what you want in your life, get clear on your desires, write them out in the affirmative. Review what you wrote and get into a good vibration in the morning and before bed. It should take no more than 5 minutes per time.

Create ‘I’m successful NOW’ statements: Make a list of 15 – 20 things that make you feel good about yourself NOW. Go through this list everyday, creating a success vibration NOW!

Get Clear on your goals (I always look out 5 years or so, then 1 year and then month by month). Write them down.

Five steps to prosperity – John Kehoe

  1. Know/Believe that it is an abundant universe and there is so much prosperity in the world; see abundance everywhere. Notice wealth and success around you.
  2. Know/Believe that there are staggering opportunities to make money and create wealth.
  3. Know/Believe that it is our duty and responsibility to succeed.
  4. Follow your bliss; what makes your heart sing?
  5. Imprint empowering beliefs into our consciousness. Do like multiplication tables; take a belief and handle like we did as children 1 x 2 = 2, etc..  Write down your belief ; something like “I have more than enough money to pay my bills on time, every month.” For 5 – 15 minutes every day (before bed is good) read and repeat over and over. Good happens right away but 60-90 days without fail will bring rewards.
  6. BONUS for prosperity:  Give back/Tithe a percentage of everything I make, giving to others who need help or to your favourite charity, etc.

Here is the link to John Kehoe’s website:


YOU are so powerful, feel it, trust it, believe it.

Inspire someone today!

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For a very special vacation…


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